Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent - December 2

Psalm 16, 17, 22

Amos 5:1-17

Jude 1-16

Matthew 22:1-14

Throughout the Bible are tales of invitations extended and rejected with some kind of response from the one doing the invitation. They are cautionary tales that warn us toward or away from some kind of behavior. They can be unsettling as the passage in Amos and the parable in Matthew.  Even the Psalms sometimes remind us of persecution of destruction at the hands of enemies or those who believe differently than we do.

Other tales, like the praise in Psalm 16 can be some of the most beautiful writing in the Bible as the author rejoices in a right relationship with the Lord. Verse 8, “I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” The line speaks confidence. No doubt. No hesitation. Pure confidence.

Looking back earlier in the Psalm, it is clear that the writer has accepted the invitation to draw close to God and to keep his ways. This time the invitation was not rejected, but accepted and the blessings came along with it. Throughout this Advent season, let us prepare our hearts for the coming gift of Christ so that we are fully ready to accept His invitation when we hear it.

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