Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas - December 30

Psalm 20, 21, 23, 27

1 Kings 17:17-24

3 John 1:1-15

John 5:1-15

Just like churches today, the early church often had to deal with conflict. The third letter of John addresses yet another early church conflict. In 2 John, the writer suggested going against the Jewish tradition of hospitality for those who were false teachers. In 3 John, he encourages the church to take extra measures to equip the true teachers. The one is no more a rejection of tradition than the other is an endorsement of it. The recommendations come from recognition of legitimate versus damaging work in the early days of the church.

In 2 John, the writer reminds the church of the commandment to love and in 3 John carries that into doing good versus evil. In this circumstance, evil is not necessarily some malicious act, but rather is promotion of teaching that does not agree with teachings of the Lord. Such is the challenge we often face today with so many leaders in the church insisting that their way is the one right way.

The only right way is the way of the Lord as he set forth in his teachings. We must study the fullness of his Word so that we stick only with the truth. Let us not be misled by man’s interpretation, but be guided in the Spirit. We have been given the gift of the Spirit, let us rely on it as we go forth in love doing good works as directed by the Holy Spirit around us.

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