Monday, December 5, 2011

Advent - December 5

Psalm 25, 9, 15

Amos 7:1-9

Revelation 1:1-8

Matthew 22:23-33

Psalm 9:9 “The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.”

Right now my life is about as good as it gets. Family relationships are stable. I have amazing friends. I am happier in my job than I have been in many years. So why does a verse about oppression and trouble strike me? In reading the passages today, I kept turning back to it time and again. Even in the middle of reading the other passages.

Right now my life is about as good as it gets. Sadly, it is not always that way. Times of trouble and times of oppression have come and gone. Conflicts in relationships, health issues, troubles with work have all come to pass at various times, but I could always hang on to the stable relationship with God for support no matter how badly everything around me seemed to be.

Right now my life is about as good as it gets. I will praise the Lord and give thanks to His name as I make my way through days. It is as important to celebrate our connection with the Lord in good times as it is to cry out for him in times of trouble. Let us remember that always.

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