Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advent - December 4

Psalm 148-150, 114, 115

Amos 6:1-14

2 Thess. 1: 5-12

Luke 1:57-68

Sometimes the scriptures particularly challenge us. We wake up in the morning looking for inspiration and comfort. But upon reading passages, we find ourselves challenged and attacked. Not at all the way we want to start our day or think about scripture.

For me, today’s passages did that to me.

After a second and third reading in my desperation for something positive and inspirational, I finally saw the message for the day. I cannot relax in thinking that I am automatically doing right. The wholeness of scripture again comes into play with these passages. Both Old and New Testament passages remind us of God’s reprimand of those who get too comfortable in our relationship with him and start to consider ourselves something we are not.

When we have a real understanding of just what God’s discipline means, then we have comfort and inspiration for continuing His works. God, through discipline, keeps us in relationship with Him. He does not reject us. He corrects us.

The difference is monumental.

Let us never forget that His love overcomes all our shortcomings.

As we see from today’s passages, we must be willing to accept God’s discipline and we should extend the same graciousness toward those with whom we have contact.

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